Sunday, July 12, 2015

Beautiful Green Waterfall in Tuban

Who would have thought Tuban, East Java, has beautiful waterfalls turquoise. Here Niagara Nglirip, must be visited while returning home to East Java!

Niagara Nglirip located in the hamlet Jojogan, Village Mulyoagung, District Singgahan, Tuban, East Java. This attraction is about 36 Km from the city center route Tuban Tuban-Montong-Singgahan or Tuban-Kerek-Singgahan. This object can also be reached from the direction of Bojonegoro, passed the District Parengan.

Niagara Nglirip visitors do not need to spend a lot of energy because it is not far from the highway that is paved. From the parking lot, we've been able to enjoy the charm of this waterfall. If you want to close, we just walk about 30 meters down the trail.

Waterfall with a height of about 30 meters and a width of 28 meters is very intriguing. Clear water flowing over the cliff with yellowish rocks. Some parts of the cliffs overgrown trees and shrubs green. Behind the waterfall there is a cave large enough, it seems sometimes used meditation to seek knowledge.

The most dazzling is the base of the waterfall is a small lake Markowitz turquoise. This puddle surrounded by rocks of various sizes, large and small. Clear water that flows from a pool of some small tributary. Fortunately, the water and the location of the region is still clean. Whereas this attraction very close to the residence. Seems to ban bathing in the waterfall area is effective enough to prevent the accumulation of garbage.

According to the shop owner's mother rujak in the parking lot, the best time of the visit was the turn of the rainy season to the dry season. For water discharge being, but the color is clear. During the rainy season, the water discharge is very high but the color is muddy. Basic colorless waterfall Tosca again. While during the dry season, the water discharge is very low. In fact, sometimes dam above the falls was closed because the water flowed to irrigate the rice fields of citizens.

The water source of waterfall comes from several springs in the forest area Krawak within approximately 3 km from the location. The water is clear and cold that abound there. Visitors can freely bathe and play in the water in some parts of the river.

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