Monday, July 13, 2015

Hot Water Bathing Place Most Comfortable in Lembang

In Lembang there are many places that offer hot water baths. We chose Gracia Hot Spring Water to rest.

Afternoon before sunset we went to Lembang and up to approximately 10 hours through the night so. Gracia own location in the midst of tea gardens, not far from the "Tangkuban Perahu". From the street in front baligo titled 'Gracia Hotel & Spa' in fact still have to pass approximately 1 km further, past the expanse of tea gardens and road conditions are not good. Maybe if here in the afternoon or evening beautiful scenery is quite good, but since we were there the night it sounded so creepy.

Gracia neighborhood is quite extensive, I do not really pay attention, really, but sort of a lot of houses are also rented lodgings. Less than 10 minutes from the entrance, we finally arrived at the location of a hot water bath. After paying tickets costing 52 thousand for the adults, we scrambled to find a place to sit by the pond empty for storing luggage.

Lembang is very cold weather, the night was quite noisy visitors, or it could be because it was a week night.  Hot water here is also a natural hot spring. Most people come here other than to submerge also want all of relaxation, because it is good place to cool down.

At first had hesitated also to fall, although at first the intention here is to soak because it feels so cold outside air. So in this Gracia there are 3 main pools for adults and 1 pool for children. Around 2 am we finally rushed to go home, but because cold air Lembang increasingly hostile.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Beautiful Green Waterfall in Tuban

Who would have thought Tuban, East Java, has beautiful waterfalls turquoise. Here Niagara Nglirip, must be visited while returning home to East Java!

Niagara Nglirip located in the hamlet Jojogan, Village Mulyoagung, District Singgahan, Tuban, East Java. This attraction is about 36 Km from the city center route Tuban Tuban-Montong-Singgahan or Tuban-Kerek-Singgahan. This object can also be reached from the direction of Bojonegoro, passed the District Parengan.

Niagara Nglirip visitors do not need to spend a lot of energy because it is not far from the highway that is paved. From the parking lot, we've been able to enjoy the charm of this waterfall. If you want to close, we just walk about 30 meters down the trail.

Waterfall with a height of about 30 meters and a width of 28 meters is very intriguing. Clear water flowing over the cliff with yellowish rocks. Some parts of the cliffs overgrown trees and shrubs green. Behind the waterfall there is a cave large enough, it seems sometimes used meditation to seek knowledge.

The most dazzling is the base of the waterfall is a small lake Markowitz turquoise. This puddle surrounded by rocks of various sizes, large and small. Clear water that flows from a pool of some small tributary. Fortunately, the water and the location of the region is still clean. Whereas this attraction very close to the residence. Seems to ban bathing in the waterfall area is effective enough to prevent the accumulation of garbage.

According to the shop owner's mother rujak in the parking lot, the best time of the visit was the turn of the rainy season to the dry season. For water discharge being, but the color is clear. During the rainy season, the water discharge is very high but the color is muddy. Basic colorless waterfall Tosca again. While during the dry season, the water discharge is very low. In fact, sometimes dam above the falls was closed because the water flowed to irrigate the rice fields of citizens.

The water source of waterfall comes from several springs in the forest area Krawak within approximately 3 km from the location. The water is clear and cold that abound there. Visitors can freely bathe and play in the water in some parts of the river.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Kalondo Lopi, Attractive Unique Boat procession in Bima

Indonesia is known for its very rich cultural heritage. In the village Sangyang, there is a traditional procession Milky uniquely attractive wooden ship weighing 800 tons were carried by local residents. Kalondo Lopi name, shall be seen by a traveler!

Lopi Kalondo procession in the village of Sangyang a community celebration and entertainment is also a very typical celebration has its own value. Kalondo Lopi is a tradition that has been carried out by tribal ancestors Mbojo since they know the marine world. The tradition shows not only the preservation of cultural heritage in Sangyang, but also a symbol of tolerance and harmonious intermingling between citizens.

Sangyang village located on the north coast, Wera sub-district, Bima. The village is located in the east of the island of Sumbawa and surrounded by mountains. The majority of jobs are in lakoni Sangyang villagers are fishermen while at sea also they also farmed.

The village has good tourism potential of various natural landscapes, cultural arts, culinary and various other tourism potentials. One of the main attraction is Mount Sangyang Sangyang village that has historical value since the 14th century AD.

Kalondo procession Lopi literally means that procession Decrease ship at sea. The ship has been made for 2 to 3 years by local residents. There are steps that must be done by the owner of the vessel before Kalondo Lopi done that on the evening in doing Do`a together on the boat by inviting various levels of society.

The next after people gathered from all kinds of layers, they royonglah worked together interesting ship. Then shoots nut on tie on the front and back of the ship that have meaning like tall straight tree nut that is willing to do the job seriously.

In this case rich or poor, all equally mingled in harmony together is trying to reduce sea ships that their primary goal.

Laughter existed between them shortly after making efforts to boost the rear of the ship. Not only locals mingle, tourists from abroad who saw Kalondo Lopi can also join to cooperate interesting blend of the ship. The foreign tourists were also very happy to do so.

Sangyang also known as the village that has sea products that meet the needs in Bima, and has other tourist attractions such as diving into place by tourists around the mountain Sangyang and ethnic travel with the various activities of its citizens are still traditional. There are still many other potential around Sangyang as Snake Island, located in Pai and beautiful beaches along the Mawu village to Sangyang.

Its position near Sape which is the access to the island of Komodo, very nice a tourist destination before heading to the island of Komodo. The distance was very close less than 40 minutes from the Sape to Wera.

Upon arriving at Wera we live to ask for directions to the village Sangyang to local residents. After reaching the village Sangyang we will see manifold wooden shipbuilding activity phinisi along the coast and airlautnyapun not clear when.

Access to the village is very nice Sangyang way and already in the asphalt. If from Bima City toward Wera, we can ride a motorcycle with a journey time 1 hour more. There are also facilities for the local bus towards Wera at a cost per person of approximately USD 2. After
arriving at the terminal Wera, we stayed ride motorcycles to get to the village Sangyang costs USD 1

Bima northern region have potential long-term travel. In addition to its natural supports, community life was very interesting to still maintain their traditional patterns kehidupatan characteristics. Still widely seen standing tall houses on stilts characteristic of indigenous Indonesian archipelago.

Which was very tempting culinary grilled fish with traditional sauce. Culinary dessert Kadodo Wera also must be tested. This is a typical dodol people there who have a taste of its own. Come on, come see Kalondo Lopi in Bima!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tiered Waterfall in Padang

In addition to the culinary and beauty of the coast, the city of Padang in West Sumatra had a beautiful waterfall hidden. His name Sarasah Ulu Gadut waterfall, whose shape was unique because of rock stacked like a pyramid.

This waterfall is located in the jungle of Bukit Sarasah, the village of Koto Baru, Ulu Gadut, Limau Manis Village South, District Pauh, the city of Padang, West Sumatra. Center is 17 km or 2 km from LIK Gadut takes about 40 minutes.

According to the story Niagara Sarasah Gadut Ulu is also called the Niagara Sarah Many Gariang. Formerly the waterfall pool Gariang many fish, because it Ulu community Gadut gave the name Niagara Sarasah Many Gariang at an altitude of about 40 meters.

Towards Niagara Sarasan Ulu Gadut very easily be traversed using two and four-wheeled vehicles, but it's good to use the motor for easier and relaxed. On that occasion I was with fellow community tried to enjoy the beauty of the most beautiful waterfalls in the city of Padang.

The trip to the waterfall begins by following the highway Ulu Gadut to find a rocky road. Then up at the post before the wooden bridge colored green paint that has a roof like home. Anyway just follow the straight course of the main road. When in doubt can ask peduduk around them will be happy to show direction.

Arriving at the post, the vehicle was parked. These posts form of houses that have tavern. Enough to pay Rp 3,000 per person entrance and parking Rp 2,000 per motorcycle, was able to embark on a journey

To get the location, can only be reached by walking alone, quite easily, the existing track, no roads or derivative climb sharply, just down the plantation society. Just follow the trail to meet up with the flow of the river. The road was straight and there is no intersection.

Key if you want to explore the waterfall it is enough to follow the flow of the river would have met with the source. When meeting with the flow of the river means getting close to the waterfall.

With the down stream of the river would be met with a waterfall when the weather is nice, but if the weather is less good, good pass estates community located on the banks of the river. To get to the waterfall may take approximately 1.5 hours with the distance of approximately 6 km.

Arriving at the location will be greeted with a view of the waterfall was amazing. Panorama millions of cubic feet of water crashing and falling rocks so mempesonannya spread in all directions.

Naturally beautiful said, because the water tumbling over rocks piled cube-shaped building like a pyramid. This waterfall is Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut first level to a height of about 6-8 m.

Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut actually has seven levels and each level has its own path. The first level of this waterfall will be seen flowing water straight from a distance that is Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut second level.

To be able to get there quite easily by climbing the rocks of the waterfall first level. Height of the waterfall is about 10-15 meters and has a pool. If you have arrived at the location, must be careful because the rocks in the waterfall is slippery and mossy. Visitors usually when it comes to Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut only to the first and second levels.

Not many want to explore again up to the seventh level is quite difficult because trackingnya and adrenaline. At that time I managed all levels of this waterfall. To get to the highest level can be up and down quite a challenging cliff slope above approximately 50 degrees. The road is quite slippery and rocky. Need extra concentration as he passed.

Loss if it does not play the water and bathing under a waterfall running of the agency. It's refreshing. Likewise incomplete when not capture the moment berlatarkan waterfalls and uploaded to social media.

Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut is one of the natural attractions that can be an alternative for a vacation relieve tired, especially for those who like tracking and adventure. Curious? There is no harm when it comes to the city of Padang tries to walk to this beautiful Waterfall Sarasah Ulu Gadut.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Vacation in Bali, Try Popped into Jungut Stone

Nusa Lembongan has to be excellent in Bali. One of the interesting locations in Nusa Lembongan is Jungut Stone. From the beach, beautiful hills, until cool lodgings at affordable prices in Jungut Stone!

Name Nusa Lembongan lately increasingly rising. Inevitably, outings in several television contribute in raising the island's name.

The island has a length of about 4.6 km can be visited through the port at Sanur Beach (apart from Benoa). In Sanur lined Boat Service, which offers a route crossing with a wide range of class and price.

From public boat at a price of Rp 30,000 takes about 1.5-2 hours, fast boat with a price range of $ 75000-175000 takes about 30-45 minutes or Speed ​​Boat luxury at a price above USD 250,000. One service offered is of Sanur to Jungut Stone.

Jungut Stone is a fairly crowded area because most of the boat will be docked here. Restaurants, cafes, mini market, bike rental (Rp 50.000 to 75,000 per day) and a wide variety of lodging prices can be found here.

Jungut Stone became one of the areas in Nusa Lembongan friendly for the backpacker. Cheap lodging with nice amenities priced starting price of Rp 150 thousand. Because of the position of the many inns lining the beach, Jungut Stone also be the location of the favorites to wait sunset.

Stone Jungut shortage is not having a sloping shoreline. Because it is not directly used as a port, the average beach here has been fenced with a wall.

In some sides is provided a ladder to get down to the beach for those who want to play water. But still expected to be cautious in view of the ships passing by.

Overall Jungut Stone very attractive as an entry point to explore Nusa Lembongan. In addition to being easy to find food, interesting scenery of hills lined cottage filled with very interesting views during the day or night.

In contrast, from the Mount Lembongan (Panorama Point) traveler could see Jungut Batu Village from above, with rows of cottages and boats passing in the clear waters.