Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tiered Waterfall in Padang

In addition to the culinary and beauty of the coast, the city of Padang in West Sumatra had a beautiful waterfall hidden. His name Sarasah Ulu Gadut waterfall, whose shape was unique because of rock stacked like a pyramid.

This waterfall is located in the jungle of Bukit Sarasah, the village of Koto Baru, Ulu Gadut, Limau Manis Village South, District Pauh, the city of Padang, West Sumatra. Center is 17 km or 2 km from LIK Gadut takes about 40 minutes.

According to the story Niagara Sarasah Gadut Ulu is also called the Niagara Sarah Many Gariang. Formerly the waterfall pool Gariang many fish, because it Ulu community Gadut gave the name Niagara Sarasah Many Gariang at an altitude of about 40 meters.

Towards Niagara Sarasan Ulu Gadut very easily be traversed using two and four-wheeled vehicles, but it's good to use the motor for easier and relaxed. On that occasion I was with fellow community tried to enjoy the beauty of the most beautiful waterfalls in the city of Padang.

The trip to the waterfall begins by following the highway Ulu Gadut to find a rocky road. Then up at the post before the wooden bridge colored green paint that has a roof like home. Anyway just follow the straight course of the main road. When in doubt can ask peduduk around them will be happy to show direction.

Arriving at the post, the vehicle was parked. These posts form of houses that have tavern. Enough to pay Rp 3,000 per person entrance and parking Rp 2,000 per motorcycle, was able to embark on a journey

To get the location, can only be reached by walking alone, quite easily, the existing track, no roads or derivative climb sharply, just down the plantation society. Just follow the trail to meet up with the flow of the river. The road was straight and there is no intersection.

Key if you want to explore the waterfall it is enough to follow the flow of the river would have met with the source. When meeting with the flow of the river means getting close to the waterfall.

With the down stream of the river would be met with a waterfall when the weather is nice, but if the weather is less good, good pass estates community located on the banks of the river. To get to the waterfall may take approximately 1.5 hours with the distance of approximately 6 km.

Arriving at the location will be greeted with a view of the waterfall was amazing. Panorama millions of cubic feet of water crashing and falling rocks so mempesonannya spread in all directions.

Naturally beautiful said, because the water tumbling over rocks piled cube-shaped building like a pyramid. This waterfall is Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut first level to a height of about 6-8 m.

Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut actually has seven levels and each level has its own path. The first level of this waterfall will be seen flowing water straight from a distance that is Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut second level.

To be able to get there quite easily by climbing the rocks of the waterfall first level. Height of the waterfall is about 10-15 meters and has a pool. If you have arrived at the location, must be careful because the rocks in the waterfall is slippery and mossy. Visitors usually when it comes to Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut only to the first and second levels.

Not many want to explore again up to the seventh level is quite difficult because trackingnya and adrenaline. At that time I managed all levels of this waterfall. To get to the highest level can be up and down quite a challenging cliff slope above approximately 50 degrees. The road is quite slippery and rocky. Need extra concentration as he passed.

Loss if it does not play the water and bathing under a waterfall running of the agency. It's refreshing. Likewise incomplete when not capture the moment berlatarkan waterfalls and uploaded to social media.

Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut is one of the natural attractions that can be an alternative for a vacation relieve tired, especially for those who like tracking and adventure. Curious? There is no harm when it comes to the city of Padang tries to walk to this beautiful Waterfall Sarasah Ulu Gadut.

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