Thursday, June 11, 2015

Kediri Have an Amazing Hallway Underground

In Kediri, there are cave suitable Surowono visited by the traveler who likes to test adrenaline. This cave is like an underground passage winding and many obstacles!

Surowono cave in the village of Canggu, District Pare, Kediri regency, East Java. Enough to pay Rp 1,000 and accompanied by a guide, feel the thrill drenched down the halls cave increasingly low and narrow. Do not forget to prepare a change of clothes and a head lamp Traveler yes!

The exact location of the cave behind a house the population, just under the thick cluster of bamboo trees. This cave is an underground passage in which there are streams which never dry, even during the dry season.

According to local people, this is a cave system or irrigation canals, part of Surowono temple built in the kingdom of Kediri. After installing and setting up the camera head lamp, guided local Guide, me and the group amounted to 6 people started down the stairs.

These stairs leading toward the mouth of the cave that form a niche deep wells of approximately five meters underground. Traversed the stairs are quite steep and it would be slippery in the rainy season, so be sure to focus and be careful when through.

SLOSH, a moment later the cool clear water chest-deep adult greet us. In front of the mouth of the cave seems some visitors who were enjoying the coolness of the bathing water. Looked up, seen visitors who just sit or group that is prepared also to explore the cave.

Being in the cave, still faint sound of conversation people who are above, the more into the guide's voice audible only to give instructions and the sound of splashing water as we step movement.

Senter is the only source of illumination for browsing Cave. Use of the head lamp will be very helpful because they can freely move the hand to capture the moment with a camera although they had to be careful not to splash into the water.

Construction Cave Surowono only as wide as the body of an adult, with the lower high, making us could only go together one by one while keeping a distance from each other so that nothing is left behind. Surowono cave has five main hallway with lots of branching in it. So the presence of a guide is absolutely necessary.

Each cave passage requires a different style when we followed it. The first aisle can be laced with normal walking, standing tall as the ceiling cave is still quite high. The second aisle has a ceiling lower so must duck when through.

Entering the third aisle narrower and lower cave, visitors must go through while squatting in the water that reaches adult chest. Adventure more exciting as he entered the hall to the fourth, where the ceiling of the narrow and low forcing us to crawl through this corridor.

Due to security considerations, although this Surowono cave has five hallway, but only four hallways are driveable, while the fifth hall is closed. This is to avoid things that are undesirable happens to the traveler.

Approximately fifteen minutes to enjoy caving excitement, the adventure ended after a fourth hall. With body soaking wet, we climbed the stairs to exit the cave, after being in the top, we turn back to the same place that the cave entrance to take the goods deposited. Very Exciting!

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