Sunday, June 7, 2015

Wow! It's Oldest Mosque in Lombok, has been 4 Centuries Ages

Lombok not only had islands and beautiful beaches, but also the cultural heritage of Islam. In the hamlet of Bayan, the foot of Mount Rinjani, there Bayan Old Mosque Baleq 4 centuries old. Mandatory stop by when traveling there.

Ever hear the tribe Bayan with his oldest mosque? If not, you should pay a visit to the hamlet of Bayan, Bayan village, Bayan District, North Lombok right at the foot of Mount Rinjani.

Initially, we see the wisdom of the Ancient Mosque Bayan Beleq which still displays the same style as it was first built.

That said, the mosque has become the first mosque in Lombok. Places of worship of Muslims was built around the 1600s.

"According to the story, Islam first entered it in the Bayan Lombok. Around the 1600s. The mosque was built by Sunan Ampel and Sunan Prapen," said Raden Palasari as interpreters maintain Beleq Bayan Old Mosque.

The mosque is not used for activities of daily worship. Only in the days of the mosque was used.

"Every day Islamic holidays such as Eid, tarawih prayers during Ramadan, Mawlid. In addition to the parents, we maintain authenticity. So for our daily activities no mosque near here as well," said Raden Palasari

Visitors also should not be carelessly entering into this mosque. If you want to enter, visitors must come in the days of Islam by using traditional clothes as worn Bayan Raden Palasari. If stubborn, you have to pay a fine according to customary law. Penalties in the form of a buffalo.

Raden Kerta Murti said the spokesman maintained, it has been determined fines customary hereditary. In fact, if there are visitors who suddenly entered the mosque without the knowledge, interpreters maintain this mosque must pay the fine.

"As a form of my responsibility as an interpreter maintained, if there is an incoming unbeknownst to me, and do not wear traditional clothes, which I had to pay the fine," said Raden Kerta Murti.

In the days of Islam, new visitors are allowed into the mosque. Condition, the traveler must follow the customary rules that exist.

"What is important when fitting no event can ngikutin existing rules, wear traditional clothes," said Raden Kerta Murti.

The mosque is flanked by six tomb of the founder and a loyal follower of Islam at the time. So want to maintain authenticity, the shrine and the cemetery was renovated only 8 years, following the calendar year alif.

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