Monday, June 15, 2015

Sabu Island, Beautiful Little Island in East Indonesia

From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia is filled with sharing the island is so beautiful. Including in Kupang, where there Sabu Island that holds the natural beauty and culture not to be missed.

To reach the island of Sabu or Sawu, I have to fly to Kota Kupang in East Nusa Tenggara. Once at the airport El Tari Kupang, I immediately moved to the island of Sabu plane. The challenge began, the plane was only able to carry up to 10 people and the seat directly behind the pilot.

The plane is small so that passengers can see all the pilot activities. The plane flying low and lets me see the vast ocean and some islands of the plane, while photographs of course.

Sabu Island there are several hotels and inns are located in the region of West Sabu. Motorcycle taxi into public transportation that can take me around the island of Sabu. In the village Namata, Sabu West, I see rocks Megalitiku totaling 12.

No stone shape round, square, round rather plate on top, and the amount varies. In the vicinity, I come across some custom homes Sabu Tribe, one of which the residence of the head of Tribe. Usually on certain days held traditional events in this place.

Towards East Sabu me through the hills with lush palm trees that grow along the way. Papyrus is a blessing for the community tree Sabu. Of palm tree trunks they could make it home pole, leaves into roof.

Not only that, the fruit can produce beverages and food typical Sabu. Palm trees decorate until I arrived near the beach. The beauty of the beach is different, because usually I see the beach with palm trees.

Approaching the beach I was surprised by the expanse of objects like toy boats made of palm leaves. Seen a mother carrying a bucket of sea and pouring water into the boats and the palm leaves. Another mother walking around and occasionally looked down as if to check something.

After visiting and talking with them, then I know that the boats it is a palm leaf to make salt. The process of making a unique salt and mothers struggle outstanding to produce salt.

Sabu along the West until Liae has a great beach to enjoy the sunset. The beach here has clean white sand with a quieter atmosphere. While enjoying a perfect sunset in front of my eyes, I reflect back on each trip on the island of Savu.

The ride was originally faced with a challenge, it gives beauty, uniqueness and thanksgiving were wrapped in it. This trip was fun!

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