Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Amazing Forest in Bogor

Do not just to the Garden or culinary tours around Taman Kencana alone during the holidays to City of Rain (Bogor). There are many other beautiful destinations, one of which CIFOR Forest.

Instinct landscape photographers in particular fans surely hunt this moment. Foreign perhaps a tinge of light in the ear, but when using the term RoL (Ray of Light) will certainly understand the question. The sunlight that penetrates the barrier slits so as to form a "line" light / light. In the photo frame will appear natural beauty. Not a bit of both amateur and professional photographers crave immortalize this moment.

No spot in Bogor gandrungi photographers to pursue RoL. CIFOR Forest its name. Its location in the Pier area, Bogor district, not far from the terminal Bubulak. This spot is actually a research forest area of ​​approximately 60 acres owned by the Department of Forestry. However, because it is not far from the location of the office there Governmental Organization engaged in forestry often called forest "CIFOR", Centre for International Forestry.

This area is open to the public including both amateur and professional photographers. Entering this region does not need a license except CIFOR region or a limited area for research. Nor is no charge. Especially for specific activities, for example research, camping with dozens of participants, filming, for the sake of convenience and security need separate licenses.

Like the forest, an area filled with thousands condition of dense trees. For the purpose of this study is the result of thousands of tree planting in the era of the 1950s. Thousands of large and tall trees, lush foliage forming a sort of roof or canopy nature.

Visitors will feel cool and calm atmosphere. This cool conditions often invites local residents for recreation or travel activities or if mild. Moreover, there is a lake around 5 hectares. Good road access, easy transportation to public transportation routes Merdeka-Bubulak, be magnet outside the area residents to travel here. Attractive conditions are also invited to make the film producer as a filming location.

Fellow photographer did little sacrifice sleep time, come early, in pursuit moments morning sunlight that penetrates the cracks barrier ie dense foliage. Indeed, ideally around 6 to 8 am. After it was gone RoL her.

Willingness to get up early it was not yet enough. Still another need luck that weather. It is certain that if the morning overcast or rainy weather will not be able to RoL. Imagine how disappointed they were coming all the way from Jakarta, for example, when it was still dark so arrive at the location of the sky turns cloudy or even rainy. Forced to bite the fingers or come another time. But in the dry season around May to September is more likely to sunny weather. Ideal for hunting RoL.

The quality and quantity of the power of light lines come to the beauty of a photograph. Not infrequently the weather is sunny, but the light that penetrates cracks leafy trees look thin. It could also be the opposite, a tinge looks concentrated. Not all spots could produce the same tinge conditions as expected. Then foresight choose spot in this vast area into a challenge at the same preoccupation.

Fortunate in this region there is flexibility choose a place without having permission. Exceptions to the fenced area or a given barrier which means it should not be entered or require special permission

What if the condition is not ideal when it was coming from far away, must be whether dissolve in disappointment and immediately store the camera in a bag? Sense the photographer is usually not clogged. Recreational activities of people who, morning exercise, camping, can be an alternative to other image object.

Residents across the forest density, both just a walk or jog can be an interesting object. Sometimes crossed if carriage / wagon in the middle of a fairly presents the beauty of the forest. In some locations there are small stalls that provide beverages and a light breakfast. Can become a favorite place of photographers who are tired or even satisfied got RoL. Calculated recreational hunting as well.

A fortune to me that ever lived within a 10-minute drive motors of this location. Failed to get RoL can be repeated at a later date. I like the photo sharing did not I shoot at a time. It took some time to come here waiting for nice weather. Surely there is inexpressible satisfaction when successfully obtain the desired moment.

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