Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Beautiful Waterfall in Lumajang

Indonesia has various waterfalls are so beautiful, including Tumpak Sewu waterfall in Lumajang, East Java. The waterfall is like a giant curtain was also looks like a trickle of paradise because of its beauty.

If a traveler confused about where to vacation, try visiting the waterfall Tumpak Sewu via Gua Tetes. Waterfalls in the area Pronojiwo, Lumajang, East Java, could be an alternative place of your vacation.

Along the path that will be passed, there are many waterfalls that will spoil the eye. But not only the beauty offered, here you will find many ready to confront challenges.

Here there are about three entrances into the guard post Tumpak Sewu Waterfall. I entered through the guard post third from the direction of Malang-Lumajang or first guard post from the opposite direction. For admission charged only Rp 3,000, while for the parking of motor Rp 5,000.

From the entrance you are going down a fairly steep cliff. But do not worry because there are footrests to go down. You will be welcomed, with the accompaniment of the sound of thundering waterfalls and the chirping of birds that will accompany all the way to the Gua Tetes.

Natural scenery presented no less menajubkan. I recommend better use of the mountain sandals, because some stairs made of the rather slippery ground. sandals will also facilitate the trip down the river.

After walking a few meters, on the left already looks a waterfall. But for the access road to the waterfall is not yet opened to the public. A few minutes after climbing down, your eyes will widen witnessed one proof of the greatness of God the Cave drops.

A mix of forests, waterfalls, cliffs and stalactites and stalagmites are arranged so beautiful and majestic. Coupled with the flow of water gathered in small pools stalagmites and flow down towards the river Glidik.

Once satisfied to take pictures and enjoy the exoticism of the Cave Drops, I continued my journey. The challenges ahead are much heavier. I recommend bringing extra clothes, because the path to be traversed requires to be exposed to wet.

Cliff will descend fairly steep and dialaui water flow from the Cave drops. Only a rope made from used tires that will help down the cliff. Must be extra careful, patient and concentration.

Approximately after 10 m creeping down, I see the waterfall again. And that's the only way that can be passed into the Tumpak Sewu. Cross right beside the water flow will make you more wet due to water discharge is very large.

Before traveling down the river, a time to soak first. Then further down the fast-flowing river that is strong enough, making increasingly tired legs. After walking about 20 minutes, water droplets appear, indicating the waterfall Tumpak Sewu is imminent

Shortly thereafter, waterfall often called Little Niagara by some tourists there ever was seen. Circular cliffs and waterfalls that coincide perfectly integrated, as well as soaring water droplets into a perpetual fog that is very pretty. Awe, wonder and disbelief mingled unpalatable.

It's mandatory for those of you who claim to lovers of nature, like the challenge and the hobby of hunting to visit the place. But it must be vigilant, when the weather is less friendly and the physical condition does not allow.

And no less important, do not litter, and avoid activities scribble. I am not willing, if flake paradise beauty of the waterfall damaged by a hand that is not being responsible.

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