Monday, June 8, 2015

Mount Andong, Cool Spot to See the Sunrise in Magelang

Mountaintop become one of the right places to hunt sunrise. In Magelang, Central Java, there is Mount Andong featuring a golden sunrise, which is so amazing!

Mount Andong name already familiar to the public Magelang, Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Mountain with an altitude of 1,726 meters above sea level has a charm that is not less interesting to other more popular mountains, such as Mount Merbabu and Merapi.

Mount Andong is located in District Grabag, Magelang. From the city of Yogyakarta, a mountain with beautiful scenery can be accessed via Jl Magelang, then take the direction towards Jl Ketep Pass.

At the junction, take the right direction towards Jl Magelang-Salatiga. Then take the path to the direction toward Grabag-Ngablak. You arrived at Mount Andong.

The mountain is very crowded at the weekend arrives. Therefore, we are only consisted of two people, choose to make the climb on weekdays to avoid the congested area. But you also may try to climb on the weekends, up alone.

We departed from the city of Yogyakarta on Monday at 2:30 am, and spent 1.5 hours to reach basecamp Pendem. After that, we were asked to register climbing and pay a levy of Rp.2000 per person and Rp.5000 for vehicle parking.

The track continues uphill climb will be very tiring for those who are not accustomed to. Moreover, the added logistical burden to carry. On the eastern horizon, the sky looks orange signify the rising of the sun, making us eager to get to the top.

After 1 hour 17 minutes to climb, we arrived at the highest point of Mount Andong. All exhausted while climbing also seemed to pay off, while viewing the beautiful golden sunrise that morning.

Also around 7 peaks which looked dashing include Mount Telomoyo, Merbabu Merapi, Ungaran, Sindoro, Cleft and Prau.

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