Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Beauty of Natuna Island

Indonesia has many islands with beautiful scenery beautiful. One of them, the Natuna islands are located in the northern Strait of Karimata, Riau Islands with crystal clear sea and white beaches clean. So much beautiful!

Natuna is one of the districts in Riau Islands Province, Indonesia's most northerly located in the strait Karimata. Not only rich in natural resources of oil and gas, Natuna turned out to save the natural beauty of the exotic and unspoiled.

Natuna Islands cluster is surrounded by sea in the north and directly adjacent to the waters of Vietnam and Cambodia, in the southern border with South Sumatra and Jambi, in the western part of Singapore, Malaysia, Riau, and in the east by East Malaysia and West Kalimantan.

Natuna is the international shipping lanes Hongkong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan and Natuna known as the largest oil and gas producer in Indonesia with oil reserves estimated at 14.38647 million barrels, while natural gas 112 356 680 barrels, larger than the content of the existing oil and gas in Aceh.

Natuna it also stores so exotic natural beauty is still beautiful and not a lot of human touch. Call it like Cape Coast, Sebagul Beach, Gulf Coast Selahang, Setengar Beach, and many more beaches that can make the visitors enchanted by the beauty of the white sand and the waves were very challenging.

Most of the beach is a favorite place for fans of snorkeling and become a breeding habitat for endangered sea turtles. Then, for the lovers of the underwater, the underwater beauty of the islands Natuna will be a magnet and a special attraction that invites anyone to visit.

The Natuna also a tourist attraction caves and rocks like Sindu Batu Caves, Batu Ships, Alive Stone Park, and so on. Natural stone has a very large size and scattered throughout the island. In the past, the stone often if local residents for at perjual traded but, now, by the local government, the stones are protected and used as tourist attraction.

Rock-rock forms a very unique, there is a ship-shaped stone in the form of two large rocks that lined. Apparently resembles a large ship on the waterfront. While Alive Stone Park in the form of rock that stands above the jumble of other stones. The shape resembles an ellipse, and similar to the stones found in Africa.

The Natuna also found a rare species of monkey called by local residents as 'kekah'. Animals that live and thrive only in Bunguran such as in the area of ​​Mount sintu (Middle Pian, Sepang, Seberang), mountain Ranai, and Mount niche.

Kekah very unique shape, its body covered with thick black feathers interspersed with white on the chest to look like wearing a white vest and on the face. Kekah eye surrounded by white leather and gray, and looks like wearing glasses.

With the wealth and natural beauty is amazing that, Natuna become a magnet for everyone to visit, but the lack of infrastructure make it as isolated.

To visit Natuna course, visitors have made dizzy by the means of transportation, for pioneering aircraft that fly to Natuna of Batam erratic schedule while sea transportation is very dependent on weather conditions.

If traveling by ship, the ship will rely on the Port Natuna located in the Strait of Lampa, while the aircraft will land at the Air Base (base) Ranai. The airline that serves the purpose of the Natuna from Batam to Natuna only 2 airline Sriwijaya Air and Wings, aircraft used for Sriwijaya using Boeing 737-300 aircraft and Wing Air using the Fokker 50.

Mileage from Batam to Natuna approximately 55 minutes, ticket prices from Batam to Natuna usually more expensive than in Jakarta to Batam, the average for the least expensive ticket is $ 800,000, while the most expensive is $ 1,700,000.

Flights from Batam to Natuna there every day except Sunday, and there was only one trip journey, from Batam departing at 09.30 pm and from Natuna About a departing at 11:10 pm, so for travelers going to Natuna hope completely in check schedule flight.

If the weather is supporting the ship owner wants to bring passengers to Natuna but if the weather does not favor the ship can not leave. However, do not make it a barrier to come to Natuna yes traveler.

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