Monday, June 22, 2015

Penyabong Beach, One More Beautiful Beaches in Belitung

Beach destinations in the Belitung region as endless. The island is surrounded by beautiful beaches, one of which is beach Penyabong in District Membalong.

To reach the beach Penyabong we have to travel as far as 70 kilometers from Tanjung Pandan. The route is from Tanjung Pandan through Jalan Sudirman direction of the airport and there will be a signpost towards Membalong ie turn left, follow the road.

Traveling for more than an hour, we were treated with good paved roads are very quiet, no car other than the car we were riding, the motor can only be counted on the fingers. On the right side of the road there are many fruit trees such as mangosteen, rambutan and cashew planting in the front yard of the houses around, besides oil palm plantations also dominate the scene being viewed.

According to the driver who took us, first Membalong region slightly behind compared to other Pacific regions, it is because this area is not a tin mining area, but since the rise in commodity prices of pepper in the 1990s followed by the opening of oil palm plantations standard of living of many families in the region This becomes even better.

Prior to Penyabong Beach, our eyes amazed when we saw two pieces of granite are very large and towering burst through the dense forest. The stone has the name Batu Beginde.

Beginde stones told in a legend as the origin of Belitung Island. The legend tells about the pieces that drifted up the island of Bali to Sumatra. So that the name comes from Bali Truncated Belitong which later turned into Belitong. True or false? At least the story adds to the wealth of the origin of a name of the regions in Indonesia.

Finally we arrived at this beautiful beach. The moment we arrived existence is still very quiet only two cars parked travelers other than that there is no admission charged to tourists who visit this beach. Lonely beach is probably because the location is quite far from the city of Tanjung Pandan.

As well, its remote location when the beauty of white sand beaches and granite rocks is not inferior to other beaches besides the trees in beach Penyabong so shady. So so cool to be here.

While we walked to enjoy the beach under the trees, we can also learn the names of the board that read Latin in the tree. One form of appreciation of the results UGM university students on this beach.

For existing facilities on this beach is pretty good that there is a toilet and a rinse, a prayer room made of boards so that those who can still run religious Muslim prayers. If you feel hunger, yo do not need to worry because in here there are simple stalls selling snacks, coconut water and definite course seafood.

While enjoying the beach breeze, we could order a meal in the shop, the price is not expensive as an example for 2 grilled fish, fried calamari 1, 2 vegetable stir-fry and 2 baskets of rice that we ordered only charged Rp 200,000 (9 USD) or only Rp 25,000 (2 USD) per person. Very cheap is'nt it?

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