Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Glass clear lake in Sumba

Enjoy the island of Sumba in NTT are so beautiful, feels incomplete without a visit to Lake Weekuri. This is the brackish water lake located in the Southwest Sumba with clear water as clear as glass. Envy to come there!

Weekuri lake is not as popular as Lake Toba in North Sumatra or Lake Satonda in Sumbawa, but the beauty of Lake Weekuri describe as a whole exotic island of Sumba which is relatively still many untouched.

Weekuri lake is unique, in addition to colored translucent bluish brackish water, around the lake there are also trekking area, especially the area near the beach cliffs. We can go up hills to get a view of the lake reef and beach of height.

And the clear blue water of Lake Weekuri seems to tempt anyone who comes to swim to enjoy the fresh water is brackish lake. Try to come or swim in the morning until noon, because after noon lake water began to recede and the new post again when the evening after sunset.

Weekuri lake is synonymous with brackish water lake that is still rarely found in other parts of Indonesia. Weekuri brackish water lake created through sea water entering through the crevices of cliffs and fused with fresh water that comes from springs at the end of the lake.

Quiet and natural ambience make this lake increasingly felt special. Have not seen the plastic garbage that littered the former because it has not been a lot of visitors to this lake. There are no stalls, hawkers of souvenirs, as well as houses around the lake.

Dry season between May and October is the best period to visit this lake. Abundant sunshine shining light to penetrate the bottom of lakes, giving the impression toscha shades of blue and light blue when viewed from a height. Expanse of scrub and savannah dries distinctive nature Sumba also adds exotic Weekuri Lake.

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