Sunday, June 7, 2015

Beautiful Lego Pari, Best Sunrise in Banten

Lego beach in the village of Pari Sawarna, Lebak increasingly famous among the traveler on a holiday weekend. The beach is the best place to see the sunrise across Banten. Beauty sunrise at Lego Pari second to none!

Lego Pari is one of the beaches that became a tourist destination in Sawarna village, Lebak, Banten. Its location is rather apart from other tourist attractions are still in the Village area Sawarna. To get here by foot or rented motorcycles.

My advice is better rent a motorcycle for a considerable distance. By motorcycle taxi takes 30 minutes, while the walk can reach 1 hour. Not to mention some pretty difficult track road with rocky slope.

Lego Pari such as bays or large overdraft, reportedly used on the beach is often found Pari fish, so named Lego Pari. Special about this beach, on the left side of white sand gently sloping, so we could bathe in the sea without any fear of contact with the coral.

While on his right side, there are rocks that are not too high, so it can be used as a foothold for fans of sport fishing or just walking on the rocks enjoying the small pools filled by a variety of marine life.

Pari Lego beach is also the best spot to see the sunrise in Sawarna. Character sloping beaches and unobstructed hill became one magnet for visitors to be willing to get up at 4 am and flocked on foot for 1 to 1 and a half hour past the difficult terrain in the early morning.

A bit of advice from me, for visitors who want to find a little quiet spot, try deh here. Because the location is a bit far from the inn and access is difficult, after sunrise euphoria subsided, ahead of 10 am this beach was quieter.

Bring enough drinking water, because sepenglihatan me, there are only 1-2 stalls here. And that's in a state of half-closed. Remain cautious, as to the location because of the rocky path that can make the motor slip several times

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