Monday, June 8, 2015

Beautiful Waterfall in Banyuwangi, East Java

Banyuwangi Kampung Anyar area has many beautiful waterfalls, such as Jagir, Kethegan and so forth. The waterfall is certainly a traveler can enjoy while on vacation in Banyuwangi. Let's try freshness!

Besides the beach, Banyuwangi also has attractions such as waterfalls. One of them is located in Kampunganyar Jagir, District Glagah, Banyuwangi. Around Niagara Jagir there are also some waterfalls are no less beautiful.

This beautiful waterfall distance is only about 15 km from the center of Banyuwangi. With a travel time of 15-20 minutes with good road access. To get into the tourist areas, visitors are free of entrance fee or free.

Visitor parking services only charged Rp 2,000 for motorcycles and Rp 5,000 for the car. From the parking lot, visitors are required to down the stairs about 50-100 meters. Afterwards, arriving at the waterfall that the water source is derived not from streams, but emerged from behind a cliff.

The source of the waterfall by the surrounding community named Jagir, Ijah Pawon and great-grandfather. The most interesting is the Source Pawon. Named Niagara Pawon source because it comes from a spring that came out just behind pawon or kitchen houses.

Under this waterfall, there is a pond where visitors can swim or just soak. Satisfied play in the waterfalls, do not move yet. Still in the same location, there are other waterfall called Niagara Kethegan.

From Niagara Jagir distance of about 300 m. Presented many beautiful cliffs along the way. Shortly thereafter, I came in Niagara Kethegan.

The water from the River Kalibendo. Niagara Kethegan has a height and water flow higher than the Niagara Jagir. Once satisfied to see all the waterfalls in this area, then you should go back to the parking lot.

If hunger whack after playing water need not worry. Today many people who sell snacks and typical food Banyuwangi here. One of them must try the salad soup.

The price is not expensive, only Rp. 7,500 a traveler was able to eat this delicious meal. Come traveler, let's visit the Niagara region Jagir and Kethegan!

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