Monday, July 13, 2015

Hot Water Bathing Place Most Comfortable in Lembang

In Lembang there are many places that offer hot water baths. We chose Gracia Hot Spring Water to rest.

Afternoon before sunset we went to Lembang and up to approximately 10 hours through the night so. Gracia own location in the midst of tea gardens, not far from the "Tangkuban Perahu". From the street in front baligo titled 'Gracia Hotel & Spa' in fact still have to pass approximately 1 km further, past the expanse of tea gardens and road conditions are not good. Maybe if here in the afternoon or evening beautiful scenery is quite good, but since we were there the night it sounded so creepy.

Gracia neighborhood is quite extensive, I do not really pay attention, really, but sort of a lot of houses are also rented lodgings. Less than 10 minutes from the entrance, we finally arrived at the location of a hot water bath. After paying tickets costing 52 thousand for the adults, we scrambled to find a place to sit by the pond empty for storing luggage.

Lembang is very cold weather, the night was quite noisy visitors, or it could be because it was a week night.  Hot water here is also a natural hot spring. Most people come here other than to submerge also want all of relaxation, because it is good place to cool down.

At first had hesitated also to fall, although at first the intention here is to soak because it feels so cold outside air. So in this Gracia there are 3 main pools for adults and 1 pool for children. Around 2 am we finally rushed to go home, but because cold air Lembang increasingly hostile.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Beautiful Green Waterfall in Tuban

Who would have thought Tuban, East Java, has beautiful waterfalls turquoise. Here Niagara Nglirip, must be visited while returning home to East Java!

Niagara Nglirip located in the hamlet Jojogan, Village Mulyoagung, District Singgahan, Tuban, East Java. This attraction is about 36 Km from the city center route Tuban Tuban-Montong-Singgahan or Tuban-Kerek-Singgahan. This object can also be reached from the direction of Bojonegoro, passed the District Parengan.

Niagara Nglirip visitors do not need to spend a lot of energy because it is not far from the highway that is paved. From the parking lot, we've been able to enjoy the charm of this waterfall. If you want to close, we just walk about 30 meters down the trail.

Waterfall with a height of about 30 meters and a width of 28 meters is very intriguing. Clear water flowing over the cliff with yellowish rocks. Some parts of the cliffs overgrown trees and shrubs green. Behind the waterfall there is a cave large enough, it seems sometimes used meditation to seek knowledge.

The most dazzling is the base of the waterfall is a small lake Markowitz turquoise. This puddle surrounded by rocks of various sizes, large and small. Clear water that flows from a pool of some small tributary. Fortunately, the water and the location of the region is still clean. Whereas this attraction very close to the residence. Seems to ban bathing in the waterfall area is effective enough to prevent the accumulation of garbage.

According to the shop owner's mother rujak in the parking lot, the best time of the visit was the turn of the rainy season to the dry season. For water discharge being, but the color is clear. During the rainy season, the water discharge is very high but the color is muddy. Basic colorless waterfall Tosca again. While during the dry season, the water discharge is very low. In fact, sometimes dam above the falls was closed because the water flowed to irrigate the rice fields of citizens.

The water source of waterfall comes from several springs in the forest area Krawak within approximately 3 km from the location. The water is clear and cold that abound there. Visitors can freely bathe and play in the water in some parts of the river.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Kalondo Lopi, Attractive Unique Boat procession in Bima

Indonesia is known for its very rich cultural heritage. In the village Sangyang, there is a traditional procession Milky uniquely attractive wooden ship weighing 800 tons were carried by local residents. Kalondo Lopi name, shall be seen by a traveler!

Lopi Kalondo procession in the village of Sangyang a community celebration and entertainment is also a very typical celebration has its own value. Kalondo Lopi is a tradition that has been carried out by tribal ancestors Mbojo since they know the marine world. The tradition shows not only the preservation of cultural heritage in Sangyang, but also a symbol of tolerance and harmonious intermingling between citizens.

Sangyang village located on the north coast, Wera sub-district, Bima. The village is located in the east of the island of Sumbawa and surrounded by mountains. The majority of jobs are in lakoni Sangyang villagers are fishermen while at sea also they also farmed.

The village has good tourism potential of various natural landscapes, cultural arts, culinary and various other tourism potentials. One of the main attraction is Mount Sangyang Sangyang village that has historical value since the 14th century AD.

Kalondo procession Lopi literally means that procession Decrease ship at sea. The ship has been made for 2 to 3 years by local residents. There are steps that must be done by the owner of the vessel before Kalondo Lopi done that on the evening in doing Do`a together on the boat by inviting various levels of society.

The next after people gathered from all kinds of layers, they royonglah worked together interesting ship. Then shoots nut on tie on the front and back of the ship that have meaning like tall straight tree nut that is willing to do the job seriously.

In this case rich or poor, all equally mingled in harmony together is trying to reduce sea ships that their primary goal.

Laughter existed between them shortly after making efforts to boost the rear of the ship. Not only locals mingle, tourists from abroad who saw Kalondo Lopi can also join to cooperate interesting blend of the ship. The foreign tourists were also very happy to do so.

Sangyang also known as the village that has sea products that meet the needs in Bima, and has other tourist attractions such as diving into place by tourists around the mountain Sangyang and ethnic travel with the various activities of its citizens are still traditional. There are still many other potential around Sangyang as Snake Island, located in Pai and beautiful beaches along the Mawu village to Sangyang.

Its position near Sape which is the access to the island of Komodo, very nice a tourist destination before heading to the island of Komodo. The distance was very close less than 40 minutes from the Sape to Wera.

Upon arriving at Wera we live to ask for directions to the village Sangyang to local residents. After reaching the village Sangyang we will see manifold wooden shipbuilding activity phinisi along the coast and airlautnyapun not clear when.

Access to the village is very nice Sangyang way and already in the asphalt. If from Bima City toward Wera, we can ride a motorcycle with a journey time 1 hour more. There are also facilities for the local bus towards Wera at a cost per person of approximately USD 2. After
arriving at the terminal Wera, we stayed ride motorcycles to get to the village Sangyang costs USD 1

Bima northern region have potential long-term travel. In addition to its natural supports, community life was very interesting to still maintain their traditional patterns kehidupatan characteristics. Still widely seen standing tall houses on stilts characteristic of indigenous Indonesian archipelago.

Which was very tempting culinary grilled fish with traditional sauce. Culinary dessert Kadodo Wera also must be tested. This is a typical dodol people there who have a taste of its own. Come on, come see Kalondo Lopi in Bima!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tiered Waterfall in Padang

In addition to the culinary and beauty of the coast, the city of Padang in West Sumatra had a beautiful waterfall hidden. His name Sarasah Ulu Gadut waterfall, whose shape was unique because of rock stacked like a pyramid.

This waterfall is located in the jungle of Bukit Sarasah, the village of Koto Baru, Ulu Gadut, Limau Manis Village South, District Pauh, the city of Padang, West Sumatra. Center is 17 km or 2 km from LIK Gadut takes about 40 minutes.

According to the story Niagara Sarasah Gadut Ulu is also called the Niagara Sarah Many Gariang. Formerly the waterfall pool Gariang many fish, because it Ulu community Gadut gave the name Niagara Sarasah Many Gariang at an altitude of about 40 meters.

Towards Niagara Sarasan Ulu Gadut very easily be traversed using two and four-wheeled vehicles, but it's good to use the motor for easier and relaxed. On that occasion I was with fellow community tried to enjoy the beauty of the most beautiful waterfalls in the city of Padang.

The trip to the waterfall begins by following the highway Ulu Gadut to find a rocky road. Then up at the post before the wooden bridge colored green paint that has a roof like home. Anyway just follow the straight course of the main road. When in doubt can ask peduduk around them will be happy to show direction.

Arriving at the post, the vehicle was parked. These posts form of houses that have tavern. Enough to pay Rp 3,000 per person entrance and parking Rp 2,000 per motorcycle, was able to embark on a journey

To get the location, can only be reached by walking alone, quite easily, the existing track, no roads or derivative climb sharply, just down the plantation society. Just follow the trail to meet up with the flow of the river. The road was straight and there is no intersection.

Key if you want to explore the waterfall it is enough to follow the flow of the river would have met with the source. When meeting with the flow of the river means getting close to the waterfall.

With the down stream of the river would be met with a waterfall when the weather is nice, but if the weather is less good, good pass estates community located on the banks of the river. To get to the waterfall may take approximately 1.5 hours with the distance of approximately 6 km.

Arriving at the location will be greeted with a view of the waterfall was amazing. Panorama millions of cubic feet of water crashing and falling rocks so mempesonannya spread in all directions.

Naturally beautiful said, because the water tumbling over rocks piled cube-shaped building like a pyramid. This waterfall is Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut first level to a height of about 6-8 m.

Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut actually has seven levels and each level has its own path. The first level of this waterfall will be seen flowing water straight from a distance that is Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut second level.

To be able to get there quite easily by climbing the rocks of the waterfall first level. Height of the waterfall is about 10-15 meters and has a pool. If you have arrived at the location, must be careful because the rocks in the waterfall is slippery and mossy. Visitors usually when it comes to Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut only to the first and second levels.

Not many want to explore again up to the seventh level is quite difficult because trackingnya and adrenaline. At that time I managed all levels of this waterfall. To get to the highest level can be up and down quite a challenging cliff slope above approximately 50 degrees. The road is quite slippery and rocky. Need extra concentration as he passed.

Loss if it does not play the water and bathing under a waterfall running of the agency. It's refreshing. Likewise incomplete when not capture the moment berlatarkan waterfalls and uploaded to social media.

Niagara Sarasah Ulu Gadut is one of the natural attractions that can be an alternative for a vacation relieve tired, especially for those who like tracking and adventure. Curious? There is no harm when it comes to the city of Padang tries to walk to this beautiful Waterfall Sarasah Ulu Gadut.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Vacation in Bali, Try Popped into Jungut Stone

Nusa Lembongan has to be excellent in Bali. One of the interesting locations in Nusa Lembongan is Jungut Stone. From the beach, beautiful hills, until cool lodgings at affordable prices in Jungut Stone!

Name Nusa Lembongan lately increasingly rising. Inevitably, outings in several television contribute in raising the island's name.

The island has a length of about 4.6 km can be visited through the port at Sanur Beach (apart from Benoa). In Sanur lined Boat Service, which offers a route crossing with a wide range of class and price.

From public boat at a price of Rp 30,000 takes about 1.5-2 hours, fast boat with a price range of $ 75000-175000 takes about 30-45 minutes or Speed ​​Boat luxury at a price above USD 250,000. One service offered is of Sanur to Jungut Stone.

Jungut Stone is a fairly crowded area because most of the boat will be docked here. Restaurants, cafes, mini market, bike rental (Rp 50.000 to 75,000 per day) and a wide variety of lodging prices can be found here.

Jungut Stone became one of the areas in Nusa Lembongan friendly for the backpacker. Cheap lodging with nice amenities priced starting price of Rp 150 thousand. Because of the position of the many inns lining the beach, Jungut Stone also be the location of the favorites to wait sunset.

Stone Jungut shortage is not having a sloping shoreline. Because it is not directly used as a port, the average beach here has been fenced with a wall.

In some sides is provided a ladder to get down to the beach for those who want to play water. But still expected to be cautious in view of the ships passing by.

Overall Jungut Stone very attractive as an entry point to explore Nusa Lembongan. In addition to being easy to find food, interesting scenery of hills lined cottage filled with very interesting views during the day or night.

In contrast, from the Mount Lembongan (Panorama Point) traveler could see Jungut Batu Village from above, with rows of cottages and boats passing in the clear waters.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Merauke, Indonesia Border City

Merauke is one of the districts in the province of Papua, Indonesia. Merauke is the largest district located on the eastern tip of Indonesia.

The city is unique in contrast to other cities in the province of Papua. As far as the eye could see no visible white sand and clear sea water, then what pull the data Merauke?

Merauke has Wasur National Park which is part of the largest wetland in Papua. The National Park Wasur you can find a variety of species of plants, among others, fires, tancang, ketapan and eucalyptus. Also, there are several animals such as tree kangaroos, cassowaries wattle and several other types.

There is also a very unusual sight, which houses ant mounds that can reach more than 2 meters, is very unique and rarely found in other areas.

Merauke is also a district which borders Papua New Guinea. If stroll you will encounter fathers who menggiting sago trunk to be processed into staple food locals.

This city is unique, still quiet and pollution-free, minimal tourist spot but worth a visit because the city is so dazzling indeed. Occasional visit Merauke so you know how rich and extensive our country Indonesia.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Melasti, One More Beautiful Beach in South Bali

Bali is endowed with many beautiful beaches. In the southern part, for example, a row of beach is so beautiful as to call for a visit. One of them is the Melasti Beach beauty make tourists feel at home.

Southern Bali has a new beach are worth a visit when holiday in this thousand temples island. Melasti beach its name. The appearance is similar to the Pandavas Beach with a view of no less exotic and charming.

Cliffs as high as 100-150 meters into a natural fence fortify this beautiful beach. Melasti names are pinned on this place originated from the activity of Hindus who frequently Melasti ceremony held here.

Melasti is a purification ceremony with a bath or shower at the beach before welcoming asceticism purification on Nyepi day warning. Government Badung, Bali will make Melasti Beach as a tourist area of ​​integrated water (water sports) in the future.

Even now being built several facilities and infrastructure on the beach adjacent to the Green Blow Beach this. In addition to swimming, picnicking and sunbathing, visitors can also enjoy the beautiful sunset from the top of the cliff.

To reach here, you can go through the Bypass Ngurah Ray- Nusa Dua or pedestal. If from Denpasar it takes 30 minutes just to get to this beach.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Lhokseumawe Have Beautiful Reservoir

In Lhokseumawe, there are reservoirs which became one of the locations of young people hang out. At this location, the townspeople who were hanging out can enjoy the view of the reservoir which looks quite reassuring.

Lhokseumawe in Aceh have artificial reservoirs were built to prevent flooding that used to occur. Berjalannnya Over time, the reservoir was then became one of the locations of young people hang out in the city of Lhokseumawe.

In the morning, a traveler can see flocks of egrets was feeding. There are also fishermen who catch fish or look for shells around the reservoir door.

When evening arrives then it becomes crowded locations. Merchant stalls corn and soft drinks lined the road around the reservoir. The merchants provide tables and chairs for customers to enjoy a meal while enjoying the breeze before sunset.

After sunset, a traveler can still enjoy the scenery of the fishermen gathered right at the door of the reservoir for fishing. With makeshift flashlight and a small mesh, fishermen vying to get fish threw the actual amount is not much.

Yes, that's a bit of scenery that a traveler can encounter if it is around the reservoir Kota Lhokseumawe. Let's try to stop there!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Enchanting Lengkuas island in Belitung

Belitung charm became even more popular since the popularity of the movie 'Laskar Pelangi.' (Indonesian hits movie) In addition to the High Sand Beach setting the film, there are also famous Lengkuas with lighthouse. Play here with my friends, certainly make a cheerful mood.

Many say, when to Belitung but not to Lengkuas, it means the same thing had never been to Belitung. I think it is true, because in Lengkuas we can discover the beauty of the expanse of clear blue sea.

Lengkuas even more fascinating by the presence of Dutch heritage lighthouse already in the island since 1882. Lengkuas are in Sijuk, Belitung Regency West, the Pacific Islands.

The island is always used as the main destination for visitors during a typical cruising Belitung island. To reach the small island of exotic, visitors prior to the Cape Coast Kelayang which became the starting point for island hoping.

By renting a motor boat belonging to local fishermen, we will be delivered to the island of Lengkuas. Prior to the island of Lengkuas, I was ushered into Sand Island, a sandbar that only appears on the surface of sea water at low tide.

The island of sand is interesting is the presence of red sea star magnitude that many are scattered around the island of sand. Following from Sand Island, we immediately headed actual destination, Lengkuas Island.

Lengkuas though not into the background in the phenomenal film Laskar Pelangi, but did not escape the attention up to now always crowded with visitors can be seen from the number of fishing boats line the waterfront park Lengkuas Island.

Up on the island of Lengkuas, we immediately ran - ran in the white sand and smooth it. To better enjoy the scenery more beautiful, so we decided to climb up to the peak lighthouse has a height of 65 meters, 18 levels, and the number of steps as many as 313.

To enter we had to pay Rp 5,000 to the guards, and are required to wash our feet in order to clean the beach sand sticking. It is intended that the stairs which we pijaki avoid sand and corrosion.

After struggling up the stairs by the hundreds it, we finally reached the peak and immediately rewarded with views that are so spectacular for anyone who looked at him.

Here we can see the boats - fishing boats lined park on the waterfront. The blue color of the sea along with granite rocks are arranged harmoniously. The beauty is that we can enjoy from all sides.

Satisfied enjoy the view from the top of the lighthouse, we went back down. Until below, we immediately ordered a fresh coconut fruit, but because the island are quite expensive. One grain of Rp 20,000, (2 USD) but comparable with the freshness obtained after up and down the lighthouse.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Amazing Forest in Bogor

Do not just to the Garden or culinary tours around Taman Kencana alone during the holidays to City of Rain (Bogor). There are many other beautiful destinations, one of which CIFOR Forest.

Instinct landscape photographers in particular fans surely hunt this moment. Foreign perhaps a tinge of light in the ear, but when using the term RoL (Ray of Light) will certainly understand the question. The sunlight that penetrates the barrier slits so as to form a "line" light / light. In the photo frame will appear natural beauty. Not a bit of both amateur and professional photographers crave immortalize this moment.

No spot in Bogor gandrungi photographers to pursue RoL. CIFOR Forest its name. Its location in the Pier area, Bogor district, not far from the terminal Bubulak. This spot is actually a research forest area of ​​approximately 60 acres owned by the Department of Forestry. However, because it is not far from the location of the office there Governmental Organization engaged in forestry often called forest "CIFOR", Centre for International Forestry.

This area is open to the public including both amateur and professional photographers. Entering this region does not need a license except CIFOR region or a limited area for research. Nor is no charge. Especially for specific activities, for example research, camping with dozens of participants, filming, for the sake of convenience and security need separate licenses.

Like the forest, an area filled with thousands condition of dense trees. For the purpose of this study is the result of thousands of tree planting in the era of the 1950s. Thousands of large and tall trees, lush foliage forming a sort of roof or canopy nature.

Visitors will feel cool and calm atmosphere. This cool conditions often invites local residents for recreation or travel activities or if mild. Moreover, there is a lake around 5 hectares. Good road access, easy transportation to public transportation routes Merdeka-Bubulak, be magnet outside the area residents to travel here. Attractive conditions are also invited to make the film producer as a filming location.

Fellow photographer did little sacrifice sleep time, come early, in pursuit moments morning sunlight that penetrates the cracks barrier ie dense foliage. Indeed, ideally around 6 to 8 am. After it was gone RoL her.

Willingness to get up early it was not yet enough. Still another need luck that weather. It is certain that if the morning overcast or rainy weather will not be able to RoL. Imagine how disappointed they were coming all the way from Jakarta, for example, when it was still dark so arrive at the location of the sky turns cloudy or even rainy. Forced to bite the fingers or come another time. But in the dry season around May to September is more likely to sunny weather. Ideal for hunting RoL.

The quality and quantity of the power of light lines come to the beauty of a photograph. Not infrequently the weather is sunny, but the light that penetrates cracks leafy trees look thin. It could also be the opposite, a tinge looks concentrated. Not all spots could produce the same tinge conditions as expected. Then foresight choose spot in this vast area into a challenge at the same preoccupation.

Fortunate in this region there is flexibility choose a place without having permission. Exceptions to the fenced area or a given barrier which means it should not be entered or require special permission

What if the condition is not ideal when it was coming from far away, must be whether dissolve in disappointment and immediately store the camera in a bag? Sense the photographer is usually not clogged. Recreational activities of people who, morning exercise, camping, can be an alternative to other image object.

Residents across the forest density, both just a walk or jog can be an interesting object. Sometimes crossed if carriage / wagon in the middle of a fairly presents the beauty of the forest. In some locations there are small stalls that provide beverages and a light breakfast. Can become a favorite place of photographers who are tired or even satisfied got RoL. Calculated recreational hunting as well.

A fortune to me that ever lived within a 10-minute drive motors of this location. Failed to get RoL can be repeated at a later date. I like the photo sharing did not I shoot at a time. It took some time to come here waiting for nice weather. Surely there is inexpressible satisfaction when successfully obtain the desired moment.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Beautiful Waterfall in Lumajang

Indonesia has various waterfalls are so beautiful, including Tumpak Sewu waterfall in Lumajang, East Java. The waterfall is like a giant curtain was also looks like a trickle of paradise because of its beauty.

If a traveler confused about where to vacation, try visiting the waterfall Tumpak Sewu via Gua Tetes. Waterfalls in the area Pronojiwo, Lumajang, East Java, could be an alternative place of your vacation.

Along the path that will be passed, there are many waterfalls that will spoil the eye. But not only the beauty offered, here you will find many ready to confront challenges.

Here there are about three entrances into the guard post Tumpak Sewu Waterfall. I entered through the guard post third from the direction of Malang-Lumajang or first guard post from the opposite direction. For admission charged only Rp 3,000, while for the parking of motor Rp 5,000.

From the entrance you are going down a fairly steep cliff. But do not worry because there are footrests to go down. You will be welcomed, with the accompaniment of the sound of thundering waterfalls and the chirping of birds that will accompany all the way to the Gua Tetes.

Natural scenery presented no less menajubkan. I recommend better use of the mountain sandals, because some stairs made of the rather slippery ground. sandals will also facilitate the trip down the river.

After walking a few meters, on the left already looks a waterfall. But for the access road to the waterfall is not yet opened to the public. A few minutes after climbing down, your eyes will widen witnessed one proof of the greatness of God the Cave drops.

A mix of forests, waterfalls, cliffs and stalactites and stalagmites are arranged so beautiful and majestic. Coupled with the flow of water gathered in small pools stalagmites and flow down towards the river Glidik.

Once satisfied to take pictures and enjoy the exoticism of the Cave Drops, I continued my journey. The challenges ahead are much heavier. I recommend bringing extra clothes, because the path to be traversed requires to be exposed to wet.

Cliff will descend fairly steep and dialaui water flow from the Cave drops. Only a rope made from used tires that will help down the cliff. Must be extra careful, patient and concentration.

Approximately after 10 m creeping down, I see the waterfall again. And that's the only way that can be passed into the Tumpak Sewu. Cross right beside the water flow will make you more wet due to water discharge is very large.

Before traveling down the river, a time to soak first. Then further down the fast-flowing river that is strong enough, making increasingly tired legs. After walking about 20 minutes, water droplets appear, indicating the waterfall Tumpak Sewu is imminent

Shortly thereafter, waterfall often called Little Niagara by some tourists there ever was seen. Circular cliffs and waterfalls that coincide perfectly integrated, as well as soaring water droplets into a perpetual fog that is very pretty. Awe, wonder and disbelief mingled unpalatable.

It's mandatory for those of you who claim to lovers of nature, like the challenge and the hobby of hunting to visit the place. But it must be vigilant, when the weather is less friendly and the physical condition does not allow.

And no less important, do not litter, and avoid activities scribble. I am not willing, if flake paradise beauty of the waterfall damaged by a hand that is not being responsible.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Penyabong Beach, One More Beautiful Beaches in Belitung

Beach destinations in the Belitung region as endless. The island is surrounded by beautiful beaches, one of which is beach Penyabong in District Membalong.

To reach the beach Penyabong we have to travel as far as 70 kilometers from Tanjung Pandan. The route is from Tanjung Pandan through Jalan Sudirman direction of the airport and there will be a signpost towards Membalong ie turn left, follow the road.

Traveling for more than an hour, we were treated with good paved roads are very quiet, no car other than the car we were riding, the motor can only be counted on the fingers. On the right side of the road there are many fruit trees such as mangosteen, rambutan and cashew planting in the front yard of the houses around, besides oil palm plantations also dominate the scene being viewed.

According to the driver who took us, first Membalong region slightly behind compared to other Pacific regions, it is because this area is not a tin mining area, but since the rise in commodity prices of pepper in the 1990s followed by the opening of oil palm plantations standard of living of many families in the region This becomes even better.

Prior to Penyabong Beach, our eyes amazed when we saw two pieces of granite are very large and towering burst through the dense forest. The stone has the name Batu Beginde.

Beginde stones told in a legend as the origin of Belitung Island. The legend tells about the pieces that drifted up the island of Bali to Sumatra. So that the name comes from Bali Truncated Belitong which later turned into Belitong. True or false? At least the story adds to the wealth of the origin of a name of the regions in Indonesia.

Finally we arrived at this beautiful beach. The moment we arrived existence is still very quiet only two cars parked travelers other than that there is no admission charged to tourists who visit this beach. Lonely beach is probably because the location is quite far from the city of Tanjung Pandan.

As well, its remote location when the beauty of white sand beaches and granite rocks is not inferior to other beaches besides the trees in beach Penyabong so shady. So so cool to be here.

While we walked to enjoy the beach under the trees, we can also learn the names of the board that read Latin in the tree. One form of appreciation of the results UGM university students on this beach.

For existing facilities on this beach is pretty good that there is a toilet and a rinse, a prayer room made of boards so that those who can still run religious Muslim prayers. If you feel hunger, yo do not need to worry because in here there are simple stalls selling snacks, coconut water and definite course seafood.

While enjoying the beach breeze, we could order a meal in the shop, the price is not expensive as an example for 2 grilled fish, fried calamari 1, 2 vegetable stir-fry and 2 baskets of rice that we ordered only charged Rp 200,000 (9 USD) or only Rp 25,000 (2 USD) per person. Very cheap is'nt it?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Beauty of Natuna Island

Indonesia has many islands with beautiful scenery beautiful. One of them, the Natuna islands are located in the northern Strait of Karimata, Riau Islands with crystal clear sea and white beaches clean. So much beautiful!

Natuna is one of the districts in Riau Islands Province, Indonesia's most northerly located in the strait Karimata. Not only rich in natural resources of oil and gas, Natuna turned out to save the natural beauty of the exotic and unspoiled.

Natuna Islands cluster is surrounded by sea in the north and directly adjacent to the waters of Vietnam and Cambodia, in the southern border with South Sumatra and Jambi, in the western part of Singapore, Malaysia, Riau, and in the east by East Malaysia and West Kalimantan.

Natuna is the international shipping lanes Hongkong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan and Natuna known as the largest oil and gas producer in Indonesia with oil reserves estimated at 14.38647 million barrels, while natural gas 112 356 680 barrels, larger than the content of the existing oil and gas in Aceh.

Natuna it also stores so exotic natural beauty is still beautiful and not a lot of human touch. Call it like Cape Coast, Sebagul Beach, Gulf Coast Selahang, Setengar Beach, and many more beaches that can make the visitors enchanted by the beauty of the white sand and the waves were very challenging.

Most of the beach is a favorite place for fans of snorkeling and become a breeding habitat for endangered sea turtles. Then, for the lovers of the underwater, the underwater beauty of the islands Natuna will be a magnet and a special attraction that invites anyone to visit.

The Natuna also a tourist attraction caves and rocks like Sindu Batu Caves, Batu Ships, Alive Stone Park, and so on. Natural stone has a very large size and scattered throughout the island. In the past, the stone often if local residents for at perjual traded but, now, by the local government, the stones are protected and used as tourist attraction.

Rock-rock forms a very unique, there is a ship-shaped stone in the form of two large rocks that lined. Apparently resembles a large ship on the waterfront. While Alive Stone Park in the form of rock that stands above the jumble of other stones. The shape resembles an ellipse, and similar to the stones found in Africa.

The Natuna also found a rare species of monkey called by local residents as 'kekah'. Animals that live and thrive only in Bunguran such as in the area of ​​Mount sintu (Middle Pian, Sepang, Seberang), mountain Ranai, and Mount niche.

Kekah very unique shape, its body covered with thick black feathers interspersed with white on the chest to look like wearing a white vest and on the face. Kekah eye surrounded by white leather and gray, and looks like wearing glasses.

With the wealth and natural beauty is amazing that, Natuna become a magnet for everyone to visit, but the lack of infrastructure make it as isolated.

To visit Natuna course, visitors have made dizzy by the means of transportation, for pioneering aircraft that fly to Natuna of Batam erratic schedule while sea transportation is very dependent on weather conditions.

If traveling by ship, the ship will rely on the Port Natuna located in the Strait of Lampa, while the aircraft will land at the Air Base (base) Ranai. The airline that serves the purpose of the Natuna from Batam to Natuna only 2 airline Sriwijaya Air and Wings, aircraft used for Sriwijaya using Boeing 737-300 aircraft and Wing Air using the Fokker 50.

Mileage from Batam to Natuna approximately 55 minutes, ticket prices from Batam to Natuna usually more expensive than in Jakarta to Batam, the average for the least expensive ticket is $ 800,000, while the most expensive is $ 1,700,000.

Flights from Batam to Natuna there every day except Sunday, and there was only one trip journey, from Batam departing at 09.30 pm and from Natuna About a departing at 11:10 pm, so for travelers going to Natuna hope completely in check schedule flight.

If the weather is supporting the ship owner wants to bring passengers to Natuna but if the weather does not favor the ship can not leave. However, do not make it a barrier to come to Natuna yes traveler.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Remains of the temple Singosari kingdom in Malang

Temples relics of the kingdom of Singosari. Singosari kingdom is a kingdom in East Java, which was founded by Ken Arok in the year 1222. Location empire is now estimated to lie in the area of ​​Singosari.

Singosari Temple is a Hindu temple - Buddha located in the village Candirenggo, Singosari, Malang. This temple restoration was completed in 1936. The temple consists of several rooms that used to contain statues like Durga and Ganesha are now gone.

Left only one statue in one of the rooms, the statue of Resi Agastya. Around the temple there are still some statues that the situation is no longer intact, such as the statue of Ken Dedes that the head has been lost in stolen during the Japanese occupation.

Next is the Temple Sumberawan that only a stupa. Still located in Singosari, Malang. Stupa shape at this temple shows the religious background of Buddhism, and the use of Buddhists in the kingdom of Singosari.

This temple layout surrounded lush trees, a little away from residential areas around. In the vicinity there are also two springs that never dry and often in use by tourists who come to purify themselves.

Seen from the remnants of incense contained in rock that resembles a seat and the altar table, it can be seen that this temple is frequented by Buddhists who want to worship.

The latter is the temple which is located in District Tumpang Jago, Malang. Candi Jago had not undergone complete restoration, so it is still visible ruins at the foot of the temple.

Religious background of this temple is Shiva Buddha, which is a blend of Hindu and Buddhist teachings. Candi Jago is filled by panels relief neat, starting from the feet up the walls of the room above.

Relief that there is also contains a story about Buddhism and the passage of the Mahabharata story that contains the teachings of Hinduism. In the courtyard of the temple there is a statue Amoghapasa sleeved eight. Unfortunately, the head of the statue was lost and her arms were broken.

Sibuatan, Highest Peak in North Sumatra

In North Sumatra, is the highest mountain Sibuatan. Climb to the top and enjoy the panoramic view from up there was beautiful irreplaceable.

Sibuatan is the highest peak in North Sumatra. The altitude reaches 2,457 masl. Track taken quite extreme. Muddy ground many roots, spiny plants, and also a lot of pitcher.

We can also see moss growing beautifully. Really tropical rainforest heavy rainfall even have to crawl its way up. Because of a narrow, right-left cliff. Also, there is no source of water above or at the top.

Normal time to get to the top is 7-8 hours. But more often. From the top we could see the view of Lake Toba, Peak Sinabung and Sibayak. When the night you can see the sparkling city lights dazzling the bright starry sky. If you're lucky, can also feel the warmth of the morning sunrise at a temperature of 15-5 degrees Celsius above the fairly strong wind.

Which makes it more beautiful over there is not going to find trash. Because the garbage that we must take the same amount when brought down. If one just behind you will get penalized climb back up to pick up trash. Or around the villages at the foot of the mountain to look for one sack of garbage.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sabu Island, Beautiful Little Island in East Indonesia

From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia is filled with sharing the island is so beautiful. Including in Kupang, where there Sabu Island that holds the natural beauty and culture not to be missed.

To reach the island of Sabu or Sawu, I have to fly to Kota Kupang in East Nusa Tenggara. Once at the airport El Tari Kupang, I immediately moved to the island of Sabu plane. The challenge began, the plane was only able to carry up to 10 people and the seat directly behind the pilot.

The plane is small so that passengers can see all the pilot activities. The plane flying low and lets me see the vast ocean and some islands of the plane, while photographs of course.

Sabu Island there are several hotels and inns are located in the region of West Sabu. Motorcycle taxi into public transportation that can take me around the island of Sabu. In the village Namata, Sabu West, I see rocks Megalitiku totaling 12.

No stone shape round, square, round rather plate on top, and the amount varies. In the vicinity, I come across some custom homes Sabu Tribe, one of which the residence of the head of Tribe. Usually on certain days held traditional events in this place.

Towards East Sabu me through the hills with lush palm trees that grow along the way. Papyrus is a blessing for the community tree Sabu. Of palm tree trunks they could make it home pole, leaves into roof.

Not only that, the fruit can produce beverages and food typical Sabu. Palm trees decorate until I arrived near the beach. The beauty of the beach is different, because usually I see the beach with palm trees.

Approaching the beach I was surprised by the expanse of objects like toy boats made of palm leaves. Seen a mother carrying a bucket of sea and pouring water into the boats and the palm leaves. Another mother walking around and occasionally looked down as if to check something.

After visiting and talking with them, then I know that the boats it is a palm leaf to make salt. The process of making a unique salt and mothers struggle outstanding to produce salt.

Sabu along the West until Liae has a great beach to enjoy the sunset. The beach here has clean white sand with a quieter atmosphere. While enjoying a perfect sunset in front of my eyes, I reflect back on each trip on the island of Savu.

The ride was originally faced with a challenge, it gives beauty, uniqueness and thanksgiving were wrapped in it. This trip was fun!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Wow, Samosir Island Had a Beautiful Hill

For photography lovers traveler, Beta Hill on the island of Samosir, North Sumatra could be the right destination for a holiday on the weekend. The Sunrise was breathtaking scenery and beautiful, make it so the hill is so photogenic.

It is not difficult to ask the location of the Mount Beta to my hotel receptionist in the area Tuk Tuk, Samosir Island. Means the hill is so popular, at least in the ears of the local people. This spot became one of the targets of photos, in addition to the charm of Lake Toba.

As a fan of landscape photography, I was instantly hooked on to it. I then immediately set plans. In Lake Toba only overnight so must be prepared ripe.

Departing must simultaneously pursue the morning sunrise. Second, find someone who can take there. From the hotel there is a rental bike at an affordable price, but I chose to be boncengi.

My target 04.30 is ready. The hotel can not promise no one wants to usher in an hour that much even though I already said that I would pay. Sure enough, the promise of the hotel to find introductory failed.

04.30 I've been waiting in front liner is still dark hotel. Fortunately there is a security guard who is willing to take to the hill Beta immediately. A short trip through the darkness in the morning with a bit of regret did not bring a jacket.

Morning chill hardly be denied. Motorcyclist add gas when the road is uphill. Approximately 20 minutes he stopped the motorcycle then invited to walk up to a small hill. Finally, we arrived at the Mount Beta.

Still dark and not look like the bayangku privileges. Slowly the sun began to reveal his face. The morning sun began to show the real beauty of the Beta Hill.

Green grass starts to look neat. Wall hills present the beauty of nature paintings tub. The hill is often used for paragliding activities. In addition, the charm of Lake Toba is also visible.

I do not want to waste this moment, the camera shutter button as if reluctant to stop. Explore every angle to record interesting angle. No wonder this spot an option kicks creation and imagination of the candidate won a photo contest, which was held a national airline.

For local residents, the place is often used to feed the buffalo. Let domesticated cattle in the quiet enjoyment while eating fresh green grass.

When the sun started to increase, I end hunting with gratitude because it can enjoy the charm of Bukit Beta. I was then stopped by to buy bread Samuel is not far from the Mount Beta. Bread is often a favorite because it is delicious and affordable.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Kediri Have an Amazing Hallway Underground

In Kediri, there are cave suitable Surowono visited by the traveler who likes to test adrenaline. This cave is like an underground passage winding and many obstacles!

Surowono cave in the village of Canggu, District Pare, Kediri regency, East Java. Enough to pay Rp 1,000 and accompanied by a guide, feel the thrill drenched down the halls cave increasingly low and narrow. Do not forget to prepare a change of clothes and a head lamp Traveler yes!

The exact location of the cave behind a house the population, just under the thick cluster of bamboo trees. This cave is an underground passage in which there are streams which never dry, even during the dry season.

According to local people, this is a cave system or irrigation canals, part of Surowono temple built in the kingdom of Kediri. After installing and setting up the camera head lamp, guided local Guide, me and the group amounted to 6 people started down the stairs.

These stairs leading toward the mouth of the cave that form a niche deep wells of approximately five meters underground. Traversed the stairs are quite steep and it would be slippery in the rainy season, so be sure to focus and be careful when through.

SLOSH, a moment later the cool clear water chest-deep adult greet us. In front of the mouth of the cave seems some visitors who were enjoying the coolness of the bathing water. Looked up, seen visitors who just sit or group that is prepared also to explore the cave.

Being in the cave, still faint sound of conversation people who are above, the more into the guide's voice audible only to give instructions and the sound of splashing water as we step movement.

Senter is the only source of illumination for browsing Cave. Use of the head lamp will be very helpful because they can freely move the hand to capture the moment with a camera although they had to be careful not to splash into the water.

Construction Cave Surowono only as wide as the body of an adult, with the lower high, making us could only go together one by one while keeping a distance from each other so that nothing is left behind. Surowono cave has five main hallway with lots of branching in it. So the presence of a guide is absolutely necessary.

Each cave passage requires a different style when we followed it. The first aisle can be laced with normal walking, standing tall as the ceiling cave is still quite high. The second aisle has a ceiling lower so must duck when through.

Entering the third aisle narrower and lower cave, visitors must go through while squatting in the water that reaches adult chest. Adventure more exciting as he entered the hall to the fourth, where the ceiling of the narrow and low forcing us to crawl through this corridor.

Due to security considerations, although this Surowono cave has five hallway, but only four hallways are driveable, while the fifth hall is closed. This is to avoid things that are undesirable happens to the traveler.

Approximately fifteen minutes to enjoy caving excitement, the adventure ended after a fourth hall. With body soaking wet, we climbed the stairs to exit the cave, after being in the top, we turn back to the same place that the cave entrance to take the goods deposited. Very Exciting!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

This Jacuzzi Experience in Bali are yet Many People Know

Bali has many travel detsination is already global, namely Kuta Beach, Sanur or Ubud. If you have more time on the island, try to find places that not many people know. Like, this natural Jacuzzi.

Bali as the most popular tourism destinations in Indonesia does have a lot of interesting spots to visit and enjoy like beach of Kuta, Seminyak, Sanur, Nuda Dua, Uluwatu, Ubud and others. After several visits to Bali, this time I would like to explore more in Bali, its mission is to find a place where interesting yet little known by tourists.

I finally managed to find a beach at Jimbaran area, which not far away from Jimbaran beach filled with seafood restaurants. The beach is very small white sand, squeezed between the cliff.

Wow! No one turispun on this beach, only a few local residents who are cool fishing from the top of the hill next to this beach. Find the tiny and beautiful beaches without having to share it with others, has been remarkable happy, but there are still more surprises.

It turns on when the tide is low, there was a row of moss-covered rock, dibibir beach and coral reef has several niche, some fairly large-sized niche and it is almost 1 meter.

When the sea receded, much water is trapped in the alcove. So it becomes a sort of niche niche small pond or a kind of a natural jacuzzi. Skipping afternoon while soaking in the natural jacuzzi, a small beach that seemed to belong to a private, for me it does far more exclusive than a vacation to the Maldives or Bora Bora.

Like the other exclusive places, there should be an extra effort to achieve them. There are no signs to get to this beach, you have to walk about 15 minutes in the path between the shrubs and sometimes need a little change lanes because there are hordes of cows. But that extra struggle is what makes this adventure to be enjoyed more delicious.

House in the middle of sea in Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi is on the rise lately. In addition to green bay and beach Plengkung, Banyuwangi also has a tourist attraction known as the Floating House Bansring. A traveler can see sharks up close reef.

Floating house Bansring located in Krajan, Village Bansring, Banyuwangi, East Java. Managers are a group of local traditional fishermen who called himself Bansring Underwater (Bunder). Underwater Bansring or bunder was opened in August 2014 ago.

To achieve these tourist sites, from Banyuwangi city center is only about 9 km to Situbondo. Precisely, 2 km north Watu Dodo. If you have trouble finding the entrance to this attraction, we could ask the people who we meet on the road.

When I was here in mid-May, there is no admission charged to visitors if just playing on the beach alone. But if you want to enjoy playing at this floating house, visitors only need to pay Rp 5,000 only.

With little cost, we will be delivered using a boat from the beach to the floating house. This floating house has a size of 27 x 7 meters. There are three buildings such as gazebos, 2 toilets, as well as four pools around the house cage containing ornamental fish, lobster, shark and grouper.

The visitors are usually interested ventured to swim in a pool that contains a shark cage. What a traveler also has the same courage to try?

If you want more enjoy playing around this floating house, visitors can rent snorkeling equipment at a price of Rp 25,000 only. With snorkeling, visitors can see the beauty of the underwater Bansring the form coral reefs and a variety of colorful fish.

Glass clear lake in Sumba

Enjoy the island of Sumba in NTT are so beautiful, feels incomplete without a visit to Lake Weekuri. This is the brackish water lake located in the Southwest Sumba with clear water as clear as glass. Envy to come there!

Weekuri lake is not as popular as Lake Toba in North Sumatra or Lake Satonda in Sumbawa, but the beauty of Lake Weekuri describe as a whole exotic island of Sumba which is relatively still many untouched.

Weekuri lake is unique, in addition to colored translucent bluish brackish water, around the lake there are also trekking area, especially the area near the beach cliffs. We can go up hills to get a view of the lake reef and beach of height.

And the clear blue water of Lake Weekuri seems to tempt anyone who comes to swim to enjoy the fresh water is brackish lake. Try to come or swim in the morning until noon, because after noon lake water began to recede and the new post again when the evening after sunset.

Weekuri lake is synonymous with brackish water lake that is still rarely found in other parts of Indonesia. Weekuri brackish water lake created through sea water entering through the crevices of cliffs and fused with fresh water that comes from springs at the end of the lake.

Quiet and natural ambience make this lake increasingly felt special. Have not seen the plastic garbage that littered the former because it has not been a lot of visitors to this lake. There are no stalls, hawkers of souvenirs, as well as houses around the lake.

Dry season between May and October is the best period to visit this lake. Abundant sunshine shining light to penetrate the bottom of lakes, giving the impression toscha shades of blue and light blue when viewed from a height. Expanse of scrub and savannah dries distinctive nature Sumba also adds exotic Weekuri Lake.

Monday, June 8, 2015

West Papua Have Statue of Jesus As in Brazil

Mansinam island is one of the islands in West Papua. The specialty of this island that has a statue of Jesus-like in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil there. Let's see!

When we visited West Papua, which will surely comes first is the Raja Ampat. But make no mistake, there are still many small islands and unique there, one example is Mansinam Island.

This island is unique because it is right at the top of the hill there is a towering statue of Jesus, as in Brazil. Also called spiritual island because the island was used as a place of worship of Christians. It was evident from the large church there.

Just a few minutes drive from Rendani Airport, manokwari you've arrived at the port. Place a small boat that will take across your lean into Mansinam Island.

For a fee you should not worry, it's very affordable. As an illustration, the taxi fare from the airport to the harbor is Rp. 100,000, or depending on your bid. Then the ship will take across you fare of Rp 20,000 PP. But if you want to rent a boat, then the tariff to Rp 100,000 PP.

Then, once it gets there, you can hire ojeg to get around. Uniquely we do not transfer the elder brother ojeg artisan, but we bring own bike (the elder brother may not know if the bike will be stolen). How might stolen, only a small island and there is no way out other than by ship. That's what I experienced when visiting it.

Then For lodging, rental rates hotels in Manokwari ranged Rp. 200.000 to the most luxurious exists. Depending Anda.namun highly recommended that you seek htel is located in the city center, because access will be closer to the harbor.

So if you pay a visit to West Papua, try a visit to the island Mansinam. You will be seduced by the beauty of the sea and the natural beauty there.

Beautiful Waterfall in Banyuwangi, East Java

Banyuwangi Kampung Anyar area has many beautiful waterfalls, such as Jagir, Kethegan and so forth. The waterfall is certainly a traveler can enjoy while on vacation in Banyuwangi. Let's try freshness!

Besides the beach, Banyuwangi also has attractions such as waterfalls. One of them is located in Kampunganyar Jagir, District Glagah, Banyuwangi. Around Niagara Jagir there are also some waterfalls are no less beautiful.

This beautiful waterfall distance is only about 15 km from the center of Banyuwangi. With a travel time of 15-20 minutes with good road access. To get into the tourist areas, visitors are free of entrance fee or free.

Visitor parking services only charged Rp 2,000 for motorcycles and Rp 5,000 for the car. From the parking lot, visitors are required to down the stairs about 50-100 meters. Afterwards, arriving at the waterfall that the water source is derived not from streams, but emerged from behind a cliff.

The source of the waterfall by the surrounding community named Jagir, Ijah Pawon and great-grandfather. The most interesting is the Source Pawon. Named Niagara Pawon source because it comes from a spring that came out just behind pawon or kitchen houses.

Under this waterfall, there is a pond where visitors can swim or just soak. Satisfied play in the waterfalls, do not move yet. Still in the same location, there are other waterfall called Niagara Kethegan.

From Niagara Jagir distance of about 300 m. Presented many beautiful cliffs along the way. Shortly thereafter, I came in Niagara Kethegan.

The water from the River Kalibendo. Niagara Kethegan has a height and water flow higher than the Niagara Jagir. Once satisfied to see all the waterfalls in this area, then you should go back to the parking lot.

If hunger whack after playing water need not worry. Today many people who sell snacks and typical food Banyuwangi here. One of them must try the salad soup.

The price is not expensive, only Rp. 7,500 a traveler was able to eat this delicious meal. Come traveler, let's visit the Niagara region Jagir and Kethegan!

Mount Andong, Cool Spot to See the Sunrise in Magelang

Mountaintop become one of the right places to hunt sunrise. In Magelang, Central Java, there is Mount Andong featuring a golden sunrise, which is so amazing!

Mount Andong name already familiar to the public Magelang, Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Mountain with an altitude of 1,726 meters above sea level has a charm that is not less interesting to other more popular mountains, such as Mount Merbabu and Merapi.

Mount Andong is located in District Grabag, Magelang. From the city of Yogyakarta, a mountain with beautiful scenery can be accessed via Jl Magelang, then take the direction towards Jl Ketep Pass.

At the junction, take the right direction towards Jl Magelang-Salatiga. Then take the path to the direction toward Grabag-Ngablak. You arrived at Mount Andong.

The mountain is very crowded at the weekend arrives. Therefore, we are only consisted of two people, choose to make the climb on weekdays to avoid the congested area. But you also may try to climb on the weekends, up alone.

We departed from the city of Yogyakarta on Monday at 2:30 am, and spent 1.5 hours to reach basecamp Pendem. After that, we were asked to register climbing and pay a levy of Rp.2000 per person and Rp.5000 for vehicle parking.

The track continues uphill climb will be very tiring for those who are not accustomed to. Moreover, the added logistical burden to carry. On the eastern horizon, the sky looks orange signify the rising of the sun, making us eager to get to the top.

After 1 hour 17 minutes to climb, we arrived at the highest point of Mount Andong. All exhausted while climbing also seemed to pay off, while viewing the beautiful golden sunrise that morning.

Also around 7 peaks which looked dashing include Mount Telomoyo, Merbabu Merapi, Ungaran, Sindoro, Cleft and Prau.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Central Java Have Three Levels Waterfall

Kendal in Central Java has beautiful waterfalls to visit during the holidays. His name Sewu waterfall, which has 3 levels with a stream of water is refreshing and breathtaking scenery around.

This waterfall can be found in the village Curugsewu, Patean, Kendal, Central Java. The distance is about 40 km from the city of Kendal. Waterfalls are commonly called waterfall sewu looks so dazzling.

Sewu waterfall about 70 meters high. This waterfall has 3 levels, respectively - each have a height of 45 m, 15 m and 20 m. Besides the waterfall, there is also no other recreation places such as the zoo, the pool and the cultivation of orchids.

There are also many funny wild monkeys swinging in the trees and wandering. The waterfall area, there are substations of view that is used to see the sights from a height. From there, a traveler can see the landscape is vast and beautiful, as well as enjoying the cool air around.

For those of you who want Removing tired after busy with routine work, there is no harm traveled to Curug Sewu. The place is far from the crowds and noise of the city.

Exhausted trip winding and up and down, will pay off when it reached the area of ​​Curug Sewu. Beautiful scenery and the cool atmosphere really adds to the joy of the holiday.

Pandawa beach in Bali, it's charm make you stay long!

Beautiful beaches in Bali seemed endless. In addition to Kuta, there are still many who are not less fun to visit, including the beach Pandawa. White sand and cliffs on the shore, exudes a charm that makes feel at home!

Vacation to Bali seems not valid if not been to beaches spread almost in every coast of the island. One of the beaches I visited this time is the Pandawa.

The location is on the south side of Bali and could be gone for about 30 minutes, with a bike ride from my accommodation in Kuta area. For my first time to the beach Pandawa, is also fairly easy to find because of the many directions there.

Initially, I was less convinced of the beauty of this beach. Because during his visit, was no activity of heavy equipment in the driveway, precisely in a limestone hill. However, once the first step on the location of the photo that is on the edge of the hill, lay a beach with white sand and crystal clear water.

Not to forget, I of course take pictures in big writing Pandawa Beach and sculptures puppet characters that characterizes there. Down towards the beach, my eyes are pampered with white sand and calm surf. Without delay, I go down to enjoy the cold sea water.

Another option that can be selected visitors quite diverse on this beach. Ranging from water sports, leyeh-leyeh on the beach umbrellas can be rented. Until enjoying snacks are available at the stalls on the beach.

No wonder the Pandawa Beach is quite crowded by noon. Either by foreign tourists or domestic tourist group that came up with bus. This beach is so beautiful and will not make you go back home.

Saronde beach, the Beauty of Gorontalo

For the traveler who likes beaches, island Saronde in Gorontalo worth visiting. Although the island is not very wide, but the white sand mixed with clear blue sea really looks stunning.

Saronde islands included in the district of North Gorontalo, Gorontalo. To get to the island Saronde quite easy. From Djalaludin in Isimu Airport, travelers can take a rental car to the Port Kwandang. Long time about 45 minutes.

If you want to try the thrill of riding a typical Gorontalo, Bentor, is also allowed. In addition it could be more romantic, but so much longer arriving. If it goes up bentor can take two hours.

From Port Kwandang katinting further boat ride about an hour. Boat rental price between 350-500 thousand dollars. The point is still negotiable. The boat can fit up to 15 people.

Because not too wide, the island can be explored Saronde no more than 15 minutes. But if travelers want to stay on the island Saronde can also really.

Yet despite incomplete infrastructure-very complete, but already there are cottages for rent. Rental prices ranging from 400-900 thousand dollars per night. It includes breakfast, and evening can be mineral water and instant coffee plus hot water.

Beautiful Lego Pari, Best Sunrise in Banten

Lego beach in the village of Pari Sawarna, Lebak increasingly famous among the traveler on a holiday weekend. The beach is the best place to see the sunrise across Banten. Beauty sunrise at Lego Pari second to none!

Lego Pari is one of the beaches that became a tourist destination in Sawarna village, Lebak, Banten. Its location is rather apart from other tourist attractions are still in the Village area Sawarna. To get here by foot or rented motorcycles.

My advice is better rent a motorcycle for a considerable distance. By motorcycle taxi takes 30 minutes, while the walk can reach 1 hour. Not to mention some pretty difficult track road with rocky slope.

Lego Pari such as bays or large overdraft, reportedly used on the beach is often found Pari fish, so named Lego Pari. Special about this beach, on the left side of white sand gently sloping, so we could bathe in the sea without any fear of contact with the coral.

While on his right side, there are rocks that are not too high, so it can be used as a foothold for fans of sport fishing or just walking on the rocks enjoying the small pools filled by a variety of marine life.

Pari Lego beach is also the best spot to see the sunrise in Sawarna. Character sloping beaches and unobstructed hill became one magnet for visitors to be willing to get up at 4 am and flocked on foot for 1 to 1 and a half hour past the difficult terrain in the early morning.

A bit of advice from me, for visitors who want to find a little quiet spot, try deh here. Because the location is a bit far from the inn and access is difficult, after sunrise euphoria subsided, ahead of 10 am this beach was quieter.

Bring enough drinking water, because sepenglihatan me, there are only 1-2 stalls here. And that's in a state of half-closed. Remain cautious, as to the location because of the rocky path that can make the motor slip several times

Wow! It's Oldest Mosque in Lombok, has been 4 Centuries Ages

Lombok not only had islands and beautiful beaches, but also the cultural heritage of Islam. In the hamlet of Bayan, the foot of Mount Rinjani, there Bayan Old Mosque Baleq 4 centuries old. Mandatory stop by when traveling there.

Ever hear the tribe Bayan with his oldest mosque? If not, you should pay a visit to the hamlet of Bayan, Bayan village, Bayan District, North Lombok right at the foot of Mount Rinjani.

Initially, we see the wisdom of the Ancient Mosque Bayan Beleq which still displays the same style as it was first built.

That said, the mosque has become the first mosque in Lombok. Places of worship of Muslims was built around the 1600s.

"According to the story, Islam first entered it in the Bayan Lombok. Around the 1600s. The mosque was built by Sunan Ampel and Sunan Prapen," said Raden Palasari as interpreters maintain Beleq Bayan Old Mosque.

The mosque is not used for activities of daily worship. Only in the days of the mosque was used.

"Every day Islamic holidays such as Eid, tarawih prayers during Ramadan, Mawlid. In addition to the parents, we maintain authenticity. So for our daily activities no mosque near here as well," said Raden Palasari

Visitors also should not be carelessly entering into this mosque. If you want to enter, visitors must come in the days of Islam by using traditional clothes as worn Bayan Raden Palasari. If stubborn, you have to pay a fine according to customary law. Penalties in the form of a buffalo.

Raden Kerta Murti said the spokesman maintained, it has been determined fines customary hereditary. In fact, if there are visitors who suddenly entered the mosque without the knowledge, interpreters maintain this mosque must pay the fine.

"As a form of my responsibility as an interpreter maintained, if there is an incoming unbeknownst to me, and do not wear traditional clothes, which I had to pay the fine," said Raden Kerta Murti.

In the days of Islam, new visitors are allowed into the mosque. Condition, the traveler must follow the customary rules that exist.

"What is important when fitting no event can ngikutin existing rules, wear traditional clothes," said Raden Kerta Murti.

The mosque is flanked by six tomb of the founder and a loyal follower of Islam at the time. So want to maintain authenticity, the shrine and the cemetery was renovated only 8 years, following the calendar year alif.